Looking for the UPSC Syllabus in Hindi? This comprehensive guide provides you with all the essential information, tips, and resources you need to prepare for the UPSC exam in Hindi. Get ready to embark on your journey towards success!

UPSC Syllabus in Hindi

UPSC IAS Syllabus In Hindi 2023 UPSC IAS सिलेबस, परीक्षा पैटर्नUPSC IAS Syllabus In Hindi 2023 UPSC IAS सिलेबस, परीक्षा पैटर्न

RS Aggarwal Class 7 Book PDF

Introduction – UPSC Syllabus in Hindi PDF

Preparing for the UPSC exam can be a daunting task, especially for Hindi-speaking candidates. The lack of resources in Hindi often poses a significant challenge. However, with the right guidance and preparation, cracking the UPSC exam in Hindi is definitely achievable. In this article, we will provide you with a complete overview of the UPSC syllabus in Hindi, along with valuable tips and resources to help you succeed. So, let’s dive right in!

UPSC Syllabus in Hindi: A Roadmap to Success

To crack the UPSC exam, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the syllabus. The UPSC syllabus is vast and covers a wide range of subjects, including history, geography, economics, politics, and more. The syllabus is divided into three stages: the Preliminary Examination, the Main Examination, and the Personality Test (Interview). Let’s explore each stage in detail.

UPSC Syllabus in Hindi

UPSC Syllabus in Hindi 2023 यूपीएससी सिलेबस 2023UPSC Syllabus in Hindi 2023 यूपीएससी सिलेबस 2023

Preliminary Examination: Laying the Foundation

The Preliminary Examination, also known as the UPSC Prelims, is the first stage of the UPSC exam. It consists of two papers: General Studies Paper-I and General Studies Paper-II (CSAT). Here’s what you need to know about each paper:

General Studies Paper-I: A Window to the World

This paper tests your knowledge of current affairs, history, geography, economics, and general science. It comprises multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and covers a wide range of topics. Some of the key areas to focus on include:

  • Modern Indian history and the freedom struggle
  • Indian and world geography
  • Indian polity and governance
  • Economic and social development
  • Environmental ecology and biodiversity
  • General science and technology

General Studies Paper-II (CSAT): Testing Your Aptitude

The CSAT paper evaluates your aptitude and analytical skills. It includes questions on comprehension, logical reasoning, analytical ability, decision-making, problem-solving, and basic numeracy. To excel in this paper, focus on the following areas:

  • Comprehension and logical reasoning
  • Decision-making and problem-solving
  • Interpersonal skills and communication
  • Basic numeracy and data interpretation
  • English language comprehension skills

UPSC Syllabus in Hindi

Upsc Syllabus Hindi IAS Exam by Bhavani InfotechUpsc Syllabus Hindi IAS Exam by Bhavani Infotech

Main Examination: Delving Deeper into Subjects

Once you clear the Prelims, you will move on to the Main Examination. This stage consists of nine papers, out of which two are qualifying in nature and seven are counted for merit. Here’s an overview of the subjects and papers included in the Main Examination:

Qualifying Papers: Laying the Groundwork

These papers are meant to test your language skills and are of qualifying nature. They include:

  1. Paper-A: One of the Indian languages (300 marks)
  2. Paper-B: English (300 marks)

Merit Papers: Showcasing Your Knowledge

These papers contribute to your final merit score. They include:

  1. Paper-I: Essay (250 marks)
  2. Paper-II: General Studies-I (250 marks)
  3. Paper-III: General Studies-II (250 marks)
  4. Paper-IV: General Studies-III (250 marks)
  5. Paper-V: General Studies-IV (250 marks)
  6. Paper-VI: Optional Subject-I (250 marks)
  7. Paper-VII: Optional Subject-II (250 marks)

Personality Test (Interview): Making Your Presence Count

The final stage of the UPSC exam is the Personality Test, also known as the Interview. This stage aims to assess your personality traits, communication skills, and overall suitability for a career in the civil services. The interview panel consists of experienced UPSC members who will ask you questions related to current affairs, your background, and your views on various issues. Here are some tips to help you excel in the interview:

  1. Stay Updated: Stay updated with current affairs and have a clear understanding of national and international events. Read newspapers, magazines, and online sources regularly to stay informed.
  2. Develop Communication Skills: Work on improving your communication skills, both in Hindi and English. Practice speaking confidently and articulating your thoughts effectively.
  3. Mock Interviews: Take part in mock interviews to get familiar with the interview format and receive feedback on your performance. This will help you identify areas for improvement.
  4. Be Confident and Authentic: Be yourself during the interview and answer questions honestly. Showcase your knowledge, passion, and commitment towards public service.
  5. Body Language: Pay attention to your body language, as it can convey confidence and professionalism. Maintain good eye contact, sit upright, and use gestures naturally.

UPSC Syllabus in Hindi

UPSC IAS Syllabus in HindiUPSC IAS Syllabus in Hindi

FAQs about UPSC Syllabus in Hindi PDF

Can I prepare for the UPSC exam in Hindi?

Absolutely! The UPSC exam can be prepared in Hindi, and there are resources available in Hindi to aid your preparation.

Are the UPSC exam questions available in Hindi?

Yes, the UPSC provides question papers in both English and Hindi languages. You can choose the language of your preference.

Are there coaching institutes that offer UPSC preparation in Hindi?

Yes, there are several coaching institutes that offer UPSC preparation in Hindi. They provide study materials, classes, and guidance in Hindi.

Is it necessary to have English language proficiency for the UPSC exam?

While English language proficiency is not mandatory, it is recommended to have basic English language skills as it can be useful during the exam and interview.

Where can I find UPSC study materials in Hindi?

You can find UPSC study materials in Hindi at bookstores, online platforms, and UPSC preparation websites. There are also dedicated Hindi books and resources available.

Can I take the UPSC exam in Hindi?

Yes, you can choose to take the UPSC exam in Hindi. The option to select Hindi as the medium of examination is provided during the application process.

Which UPSC syllabus is best?

The most important subjects from the NCERT books that help build a strong foundation for preparing for the UPSC exams include history, geography, environment, polity, economy, and general science (physics, chemistry, biology, biotechnology), sociology, art, and culture.

 Which book is best for the UPSC exam in Hindi medium?

IAS Books in Hindi Medium – Indian History
Prarambhik Bharat Ka Parichay (Hindi)Madhyakaleen Bharat Rajniti, Samaj Aur Sanskr.

What are the total marks of the UPSC e

A candidate’s rank in UPSC Civil Service Exam depends only on the mark scored in Main and Interview. The main exam has 1750 marks while the interview has 275 marks. The written examination (main) will consist of the following nine papers, but only 7 papers will be counted for the final merit ranking.

Which monthly magazine is best for UPSC by toppers?

Yojana is the most popular and the best monthly current affairs magazine for UPSC aspiring candidates. The I and B Ministry, Government of India, publishes the Yojana magazine for UPSC, which deals with significant socio-economic matters from the perspective of India.

UPSC Syllabus in Hindi

UPSC Syllabus in Hindi watch the VideoUPSC Syllabus in Hindi watch the Video

Conclusion – UPSC Syllabus in Hindi

Preparing for the UPSC exam in Hindi requires dedication, hard work, and access to quality resources. In this article, we have provided you with a comprehensive guide to the UPSC syllabus in Hindi, covering the Preliminary Examination, Main Examination, and Personality Test. Remember to stay focused, follow a structured study plan, and make the most of the resources available in Hindi. With the right mindset and preparation, you can conquer the UPSC exam and embark on a fulfilling career in the civil services. Best of luck!
