Discover the timeless wisdom of Kabir Ke Dohe in Hindi PDF format. Dive into the spiritual and philosophical teachings of Kabir through his enlightening couplets. Get access to a comprehensive collection of Kabir’s dohe in Hindi PDF.
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Kabir ke Dohe in Hindi PDF

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Kabir ke Dohe in Hindi PDF | कबीर दास के 10 दोहे
जाति न पूछो साधु की, पूछ लीजिए ज्ञान।
मोल करो तलवार का, पड़ी रहन दो म्यान ।1।
अर्थ : कबीरदास जी कहते है किसी व्यक्ति से उसकी जाति नहीं पूछनी चाहिए बल्कि उससे ज्ञान की बात करनी चाहिए | क्योंकि असली मोल तो तलवार का होता है, म्यान का नहीं |
मानुष जन्म दुर्लभ है, मिले न बारम्बार ।
तरवर से पत्ता टूट गिरे, बहुरि न लागे डारि ।2।
अर्थ : कबीरदास जी कहते है मानव जन्म पाना कठिन है | यह शरीर बार-बार नहीं मिलता | जो फल वृक्ष से नीचे गिर पड़ता है वह पुन: उसकी डाल पर नहीं लगता | इसी तरह मानव शरीर छूट जाने पर दोबारा मनुष्य जन्म आसानी से नही मिलता है, और पछताने के अलावा कोई चारा नहीं रह जाता |
क्या मांगुँ कुछ थिर ना रहाई, देखत नैन चला जग जाई।
एक लख पूत सवा लख नाती, उस रावण कै दीवा न बाती।3|
अर्थ : कबीर साहेब कहते है यदि एक मनुष्य अपने एक पुत्र से वंश की बेल को सदा बनाए रखना चाहता है तो यह उसकी भूल है। जैसे लंका के राजा रावण के एक लाख पुत्र थे तथा सवा लाख नाती थे। वर्तमान में उसके कुल (वंश) में कोई घर में दीप जलाने वाला भी नहीं है | सब नष्ट हो गए। इसलिए हे मानव! परमात्मा से तू यह क्या माँगता है जो स्थाई ही नहीं है |
गुरु गोविंद दोउ खड़े, काके लागूं पाँय ।
बलिहारी गुरु आपने, गोविंद दियो मिलाय ।4।
अर्थ : कबीर दास जी कहते हैं कि अगर हमारे सामने गुरु और भगवान दोनों एक साथ खड़े हों तो आप किसके चरण स्पर्श करेंगे? गुरु ने अपने ज्ञान से ही हमें भगवान से मिलने का रास्ता बताया है इसलिए गुरु की महिमा भगवान से भी ऊपर है और हमें गुरु के चरण स्पर्श करने चाहिए |
ऐसी वाणी बोलिए मन का आप खोये ।
औरन को शीतल करे, आपहुं शीतल होए ।5।
अर्थ : कबीर दास जी इस दोहे में कह रहे है कि मनुष्य को ऐसी भाषा बोलनी चाहिए जो सुनने वाले के मन को बहुत अच्छी लगे। ऐसी भाषा दूसरे लोगों को तो सुख पहुँचाती ही है, इसके साथ खुद को भी बड़े आनंद का अनुभव होता है |
बड़ा भया तो क्या भया, जैसे पेड़ खजूर ।
पंथी को छाया नहीं फल लागे अति दूर ।6।
अर्थ : कबीर दास जी कहते है ऐसे बड़े होने का क्या फायदा कि जैसे खजूर का पेड़ न तो किसी को छाया देता है और उसका फल भी बहुत ऊचाई पर होता है | उसी तरह मनुष्य के बड़े होने का क्या फायदा है जब आप किसी का भला नही कर सकते |
पत्थर पूजें हरि मिले तो मैं पूजूँ पहार।
तातें तो चक्की भली, पीस खाये संसार ।7।
अर्थ : कबीर दास जी इस दोहे में मनुष्य को समझाते हुए कहते हैं कि किसी भी देवी-देवता की आप पत्थर की मूर्ति बनाकर उसकी पूजा करते हैं जो कि शास्त्र विरुद्ध साधना है। जो कि हमें कुछ नही दे सकती। इनकी पूजा से अच्छा चक्की की पूजा कर लो जिससे हमें खाने के लिए आटा तो मिलता है।
काल करै सो आज कर, आज करे सो अब।
पल में परलय होयगी, बहुरि करेगा कब ।8।
अर्थ : कबीर दास जी कहते हैं कि हमारे पास समय बहुत कम है, जो काम कल करना है उसको आज ही कर डालो, और जो आज करना है उसको अभी कर डालो, क्यूंकि पलभर में प्रलय जो जाएगी फिर आप अपने काम कब करोगे।
दुःख में सुमिरन सब करे, सुख में करे न कोय ।
जो सुख में सुमिरन करे, तो दुःख काहे को होय ।9।
अर्थ : कबीर दास जी इस दोहे के माध्यम से कहते है कि दुःख में हर इंसान ईश्वर को याद करता है लेकिन सुख में सब ईश्वर को भूल जाते हैं। अगर सुख में भी ईश्वर को याद करो तो दुःख कभी आएगा ही नहीं।
नहाये धोये क्या हुआ, जो मन मैल न जाए ।
मीन सदा जल में रहे, धोये बास न जाए ।10।
अर्थ : कबीर दास जी इस दोहे के माध्यम से कहते है कि आप कितना भी नहा धो लीजिए, लेकिन अगर आप का मन साफ़ नहीं है तो ऐसे नहाने का क्या फायदा, जैसे मछली हमेशा पानी में रहती है लेकिन फिर भी वो साफ़ नहीं होती, मछली में तेज बदबू आती है।
Kabir ke Dohe in Hindi PDF

Kabir, a mystic poet and saint from the 15th century, is renowned for his profound and thought-provoking dohe (couplets). His teachings, encapsulated in simple yet powerful verses, have transcended time and continue to inspire millions across the globe. For those seeking spiritual and philosophical insights, Kabir Ke Dohe in Hindi PDF format provides a treasure trove of wisdom. In this article, we delve into the enlightening world of Kabir’s dohe, exploring their significance, themes, and timeless relevance. So, grab a cup of tea, sit back, and immerse yourself in the profound teachings of Kabir.
Kabir ke Dohe in Hindi PDF

The Significance of Kabir Ke Dohe
Exploring Kabir’s Life and Legacy
Kabir, a mystic poet and saint born in 15th-century India, remains an enigmatic figure. His life is shrouded in legends, blending elements of Hindu and Islamic traditions. Kabir believed in the unity of all religions and preached a philosophy that transcended the boundaries of caste and creed. His teachings were revolutionary for their time and continue to resonate with seekers of truth and spirituality.
The Essence of Kabir’s Teachings
Kabir’s dohe reflect his deep understanding of the human condition and the nature of existence. Through his couplets, he addresses profound subjects like love, devotion, materialism, self-realization, and the unity of all beings. The essence of Kabir’s teachings lies in his ability to convey profound wisdom in simple, relatable language that transcends time and cultural barriers. His dohe serve as a guide for seekers on the spiritual path and offer insights into the nature of reality.
Kabir ke Dohe in Hindi PDF

Kabir Ke Dohe: An Insight into Spiritual Wisdom
Dohe on Love and Devotion
Kabir’s dohe beautifully capture the essence of love and devotion, emphasizing the importance of surrendering oneself to a higher power. Through his couplets, he emphasizes that true love is unconditional and transcends the boundaries of worldly attachments. One of his famous dohe states, “Prem na baadee upaay, prem kari kachu na hoy” (Love has no conditions, love cannot be obtained by any means). This couplet reminds us that love cannot be acquired through external means; it is an intrinsic quality that arises from within.
Kabir also highlights the significance of devotion in the path of spirituality. He encourages individuals to cultivate a deep devotion to the divine and surrender their ego at the feet of the beloved. In one of his dohe, he says, “Bhakti kalp taru banai, usme phal sukh bhare” (Devotion is like a wish-fulfilling tree that bears the fruit of joy). This verse reminds us of the transformative power of devotion and its ability to bring fulfillment and happiness into our lives.
Dohe on the Illusion of Materialism
In a world driven by materialistic pursuits, Kabir’s dohe serve as a wake-up call, urging individuals to recognize the fleeting nature of worldly possessions and seek the eternal truth instead. He cautions against the illusion of materialism and the constant craving for wealth and possessions. One of his famous couplets states, “Maya mari na man mara, mara gaya samjho koi” (Neither has illusion died, nor has the mind died; assume someone has died). This powerful doha reminds us that attachment to material possessions and the pursuit of wealth ultimately lead to suffering and disillusionment.
Kabir encourages individuals to detach themselves from the material world and focus on the inner journey towards self-realization. He teaches that true wealth lies in inner contentment and spiritual awakening, rather than external accumulation. His dohe challenge the conventional notions of success and wealth, offering a profound perspective on the transitory nature of material possessions.
Dohe on the Path to Self-Realization
The path to self-realization and spiritual enlightenment is a central theme in Kabir’s dohe. He urges individuals to look within themselves and seek the divine essence that resides within every being. Through his couplets, he emphasizes the importance of self-introspection and self-discovery. In one of his dohe, he states, “Moko kahan dhoonde re bande, main toh tere paas mein” (Where are you searching for me, O friend? I am right here, within you). This verse invites us to turn our attention inward and discover the divinity that resides within our own hearts.
Kabir’s dohe also shed light on the illusions and obstacles that hinder our spiritual progress. He emphasizes the need to overcome the ego, attachments, and the illusions of the mind in order to realize our true nature. Through his teachings, Kabir encourages individuals to practice selflessness, humility, and detachment in their pursuit of spiritual growth.
Dohe on the Unity of All Beings
Kabir’s dohe beautifully capture the essence of unity and the interconnectedness of all beings. He emphasizes that beyond the superficial differences of caste, creed, and religion, we are all part of the same divine consciousness. In one of his dohe, he says, “Sab baaghi dharam ka, sab mein phool khile” (All religions are like gardens, and all of them have blooming flowers). This verse reminds us that every religion and spiritual path leads to the same ultimate truth.
Dohe on the Unity of All Beings
Kabir’s dohe eloquently convey the message of unity and the inherent interconnectedness of all beings. He transcends the boundaries of religious divisions and emphasizes the fundamental unity that underlies diversity. Through his couplets, Kabir encourages individuals to embrace the oneness of humanity and to treat all beings with love and compassion.
One of his powerful dohe states, “Bada hua toh kya hua, jaise ped khajoor” (What does it matter if you have grown big? Just like a date palm tree). This verse metaphorically expresses the underlying truth that, regardless of our external appearances or societal positions, we are all equal in the eyes of the divine. Kabir urges us to recognize the inherent divinity within every individual and to cultivate a sense of unity and respect for all.
Dohe on Overcoming Ego and Attachments
In Kabir’s teachings, the ego and attachments are seen as major obstacles on the path to spiritual realization. He emphasizes the need to transcend the ego and detach oneself from worldly attachments in order to attain true freedom and enlightenment.
Through his dohe, Kabir offers insights into the nature of the ego and its detrimental effects on our spiritual growth. He encourages individuals to overcome the illusion of the separate self and merge with the divine consciousness. One of his dohe states, “Jab main tha tab hari nahi, ab hari hai main nahi” (When I existed, the divine did not, and now that the divine exists, I do not). This verse signifies the dissolution of the ego and the realization of the divine presence within us.
Kabir also highlights the importance of detachment from worldly attachments. He teaches that true freedom and liberation come from letting go of our desires and attachments to material possessions. In one of his dohe, he says, “Maya mui jal bina, rahiye na bhaavai koi” (Just as fish cannot survive without water, no one can be content in the illusion of materialism). This verse serves as a reminder that true fulfillment lies not in the pursuit of external objects, but in the realization of our inner divinity.
Kabir ke Dohe in Hindi PDF

Exploring Kabir Ke Dohe in Hindi PDF Format
Kabir Ke Dohe PDF: A Treasure of Knowledge
Kabir Ke Dohe in Hindi PDF format provides a comprehensive collection of Kabir’s profound teachings. These PDFs serve as a valuable resource for those seeking to delve deeper into Kabir’s wisdom and explore the timeless relevance of his dohe. Whether you are a spiritual seeker, a scholar, or simply interested in the poetic beauty of Kabir’s verses, these PDFs offer a convenient and accessible way to access his teachings.
The Convenience of Hindi PDF Format
The availability of Kabir Ke Dohe in Hindi PDF format makes it easier for a wider audience to access and comprehend Kabir’s teachings. The PDF format allows for easy storage, sharing, and reading on various devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. Whether you are at home, traveling, or in a remote location, you can carry the wisdom of Kabir with you in a convenient digital format.
Preserving the Legacy of Kabir
The availability of Kabir Ke Dohe in Hindi PDF format ensures the preservation and dissemination of Kabir’s invaluable teachings. By digitizing his dohe, we can ensure that future generations have access to his wisdom and continue to be inspired by his profound insights. These PDFs serve as a bridge between the ancient wisdom of Kabir and the modern world, keeping his teachings alive for years to come.
Kabir ke Dohe in Hindi PDF

FAQs About Kabir Ke Dohe
What is the significance of Kabir Ke Dohe in Hindi PDF?
Kabir Ke Dohe in Hindi PDF format holds great significance for those interested in exploring the profound teachings of Kabir. The PDFs provide a convenient and accessible way to access a comprehensive collection of Kabir’s dohe, allowing readers to delve deep into his spiritual and philosophical insights. The Hindi language adds authenticity to the verses, capturing the essence of Kabir’s original teachings.
Where can I find Kabir Ke Dohe in Hindi PDF format?
Kabir Ke Dohe in Hindi PDF format can be found in various online platforms, libraries, and websites dedicated to preserving and sharing spiritual literature. A simple online search will lead you to websites where you can download or access these PDFs. Additionally, local bookstores and libraries may also have physical copies of books that contain Kabir’s dohe in Hindi.
Are Kabir Ke Dohe still relevant in the modern world?
Absolutely! Kabir Ke Dohe holds timeless wisdom that transcends the boundaries of time and culture. The universal themes of love, devotion, self-realization, and unity addressed in Kabir’s dohe continue to resonate with people from all walks of life. The teachings of Kabir offer profound insights into the human condition and provide guidance for leading a meaningful and purposeful life, making them highly relevant even in the fast-paced modern world.
How can I apply Kabir’s teachings to my daily life?
Applying Kabir’s teachings to daily life involves introspection, self-reflection, and conscious practice. Start by immersing yourself in Kabir’s dohe, contemplating their deeper meanings, and identifying areas of your life that align with his teachings. Embrace the values of love, compassion, humility, and selflessness in your interactions with others. Seek moments of solitude and inner reflection to connect with your inner divinity. Gradually incorporate Kabir’s teachings into your thoughts, words, and actions, and observe the positive impact they have on your overall well-being.
Can Kabir’s dohe help in spiritual growth?
Absolutely! Kabir’s dohe serve as a guide for spiritual growth and self-realization. They offer profound insights into the nature of reality, the human condition, and the path to enlightenment. By contemplating and applying Kabir’s teachings, individuals can deepen their understanding of themselves, cultivate inner peace, and embark on a transformative spiritual journey. The simplicity and depth of Kabir’s verses make them accessible to seekers at all stages of their spiritual evolution.
Are there any English translations of Kabir Ke Dohe available?
Yes, there are numerous English translations available that capture the essence of Kabir’s dohe. Renowned scholars, poets, and translators have dedicated their efforts to bring Kabir’s wisdom to a wider audience. These translations maintain the essence and poetic beauty of the original verses while making them accessible to those who do not understand Hindi. Exploring these English translations can provide valuable insights into Kabir’s teachings for those who are not fluent in Hindi.
Kabir Ke Dohe in Hindi PDF format offer a gateway to the profound wisdom and teachings of Kabir. Through his dohe, Kabir invites us to embark on a spiritual journey of self-discovery, love, and unity. These verses hold timeless relevance and serve as a guiding light in navigating the complexities of life. So, dive into the enchanting world of Kabir’s dohe, explore their meanings, and allow the transformative power of his words to inspire and uplift your soul.